“A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” NKJV
‘Leaven’ as a noun is , according to JWBibleGlossary, ‘a substance added to dough or to liquids to cause fermentation.’ Basically, yeast. ‘Leaven’ as a verb is, according to the free dictionary, ‘to cause to rise, especially by fermentation.” And the lump is the dough.
This essentially says, a little yeast rises the batch of dough.
For context, Apostle Paul was writing a letter to the churched of Galatia. In this chapter, he was telling them how Christ has truly set them free and that now that they’re free, they shouldn’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. Also addressing false teaching that had been spreading in the Church.
The NLT version says it easier, “This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough.”
This gives a visual example of how little things grow to become big things. Essentially that bad habits start small. It’s just one episode then you finish the whole season. It’s just a cig then you smoke the whole pack. It’s just a shot then you drink the whole bottle. Everything starts from somewhere.
Apostle Paul addressed what could have been a seemingly small thing in its tracks. So should we. A full proof way to avoid a massive problem is to destroy it at the root as it develops.
Identify seeds in your life – be it laziness, anger, envy – that if planted and allowed to grow will grow into a destructive trait and consciously uproot them from your life through prayer, constant action of rebuking and filling yourself with the Word instead.
Dear Father, thank you for the wisdom in your Word. I pray against any destructive seed in my life in every aspect. It will not grow and manifest in my life. The fruits I will produce are fruits of the Spirit. I refuse to let negative habits be my downfall. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Galatians 4:8-10