During a time when I felt like I was on a breaking point in my faith. God whispered the words into my heart and mind, “I see more in you than you see in yourself.”
And I believe that this same message is for all girls out there. God sees more in then we do in ourselves. He sees so much potential. He sees his image bearer. He sees his daughter, his light, the one he’ll use to bring souls to him, the one he’ll use to bring more to his kingdom. He sees who he has created you to be.
God doesn’t see your failures but rather the lessons you learn from your mistakes. You’ll make mistakes a lot, but you’ll also grow… a lot more. What you think is killing you is God shaping you. What you see is breaking you is God molding you. He sees the finished work, he sees the crown of life he’ll place on your head, and he sees you and him united for all eternity. He sees how you’ll grow from a Christian girl to a strong woman of God that faith can’t be shaken.
When you feel your faith shaking, it’s God establishing you to make you unshakeable. No matter how much the enemy attacks you, you won’t be easily moved. The closer you get to God, the more attacked you will be. You’ll face all kinds of trials, and at times, you’ll feel like you are doing something wrong. It will feel like God’s punishing you, but his not. There is someone inside of you that demons begin to shiver at.
It’s the Jesus in you.