Lord, increase humility in me. Help and lead me to walk in humility. To walk in service like You do Jesus. To not seek to be exalted but to rely on Your exaltation. Holy Spirit, destroy the pride hidden in me and develop the fruit of humility inside of me. Strengthen me to continue to recognise the grace working in me and others. The grace was freely given to me and others so that I may live in reverence, gratitude, and humility. That I may acknowledge strengths in my life and recognise weaknesses.
I want to carry humility everywhere I go. Having a teachable heart and that is willing to listen. Having a heart that can receive.
Lord increase humility within me.
In Jesus name.
Scripture to mediate on:
1 Peter 5:6
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,