I Have Power Over The Kingdom Of Darkness

Luke 10:19

19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

I have the power to trample over every f lie of the enemy. I have the ability to trample on every snake and scorpion. I have authority to trample on every attack I’m facing for In Christ, I have the power to do things that look impossible made possible.

I will be exactly who God has called me to be because that’s God’s will over my life. No matter what you do, say, lie about or try to push me away from. It will not work. I declare with the power of the tongue and the power of the name above every other name that you attacking my life. You attacking my destiny and you forcing yourself into my life. In the name of Jesus, may the God of judgement the God of who fights got me, the God who is a consuming fire find you where you are and break every tie you have in my life. May my house be a flame of fire that every spirit seeking to enter into my life will now fear the one I call Abba Father. May every knee bow to the name that purifies by His blood. The one who knows me by name. May every attack against the promises God has for me and the mighty call I have from God be destroyed. You’ve fought, oh but I declare you’ve failed. You’ve tried but I declared you won’t prevail but greater is He in me than you’ll ever be! I know under all your scary faces is nothing but someone destined to eternal pain, far from me and the peace that I’ll have with my king. So now, I have become a new woman. The battle is worse yes, things will get intense, yes and you won’t stop attacking me, yes but I will win over you over and over again and every time you seek to touch me, my father will strike you and you’ll know that messing with a woman of God is the biggest mistake you’ve made.

Let God show His power and fight for me. May your words be a curse unto yourself. Every time you attack me with discouragement, God will feel me with fire in my bones. Every time you fight against me, God will send His angels to fight for me because in His words He says He sends His angels charge over me. His angels are there to help me and so every demon fighting against me Lord, I pray for your angels to help me overcome

I wrote this because I had this overwhelming touch in my spirit that this is the kind of level God is raising us in. Women that can rebuke spirits with confidence. Women who don’t have to cry because of time but knows He who is outside of time. A woman who is a woman of fire.

Just keep praying my girls. This new revival in us for SEEKING God’s word, Bible reading will lead us to find out what call God has over our life. He’ll reveal it soon but the key is the hunger and Thirst. The more you desire and tug in God, like a kid tugging over and over for candy, God will see you want Him above all else and bless you.


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