
Idols don’t just refer to carved images of weird dolls or tall, heavily decorated statues. Idols count as anything that distracts you from God and keep you from spending time with Him.

Your idol could be music, social media, the opposite sex or anything at all. For something to become an idol, you have to be obsessed. Unable to let it go or do a day without it.

Most of our idols are negative habits which God frowns at. The bible says in Exodus 20: 3-4

“You must have no other God but me. 4. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea”

Serving God isn’t a choice but a commandment. You don’t have to be a big time pastor or a multi millionaire motivational speaker to carry out His will.

By maintaining a stable relationship with him and obeying His commandments you’re doing exactly what he wants.

A way of breaking away from your existing idols is fasting. Fasting isn’t just staying away from food. It’s abstaining from particular pleasures (e.g watching movies) in order to spend more time in God’s presence.

While fasting, it’s important to remember to pray about your idol and read God’s word. By doing so, you’re able to get closer to God and nothing will be more important to you than Him.

Don’t lose your soul to the idols of this world. The bible says in Galatians 5: 16 – So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Your flesh (sinful nature) will make things a lot harder than they need to be. You don’t have to worry though, the flesh is something everyone deals with.

It’s technically the voice in your head that tells you as you’re about to pick your bible “Do you really have time for this right now? You’re going to miss the marathon”

It’ll be a bit tricky to get in control and learn to defy the flesh but with the help of the Holy spirit anything is possible.

For the bible says in James 1:14 – 15 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Everyone has that one thing they can’t get enough of. Something that consistently keeps them from spending time with God. Something that drags them away from His presence.

What matters is if and how they deal with it.


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