In Disagreement

Learn to come in disagreement with the plans, traps, and lies of the enemy.

We are disagreement with the enemy more than we admit we are. The enemy is a liar, and all he does is lies.

Whenever you can’t let go of a habitual sin, negative thought pattern, or even in dreams. Make sure that that sin, negative thought pattern, sexual/ sinful disagreement with the dream that dream. We shouldn’t just leave things and act passively as Christians. The Bible tells us that while man slept, the enemy sowed tears (Matthew 13:25), and so that means that while we are silent or asleep, the enemy is meanwhile growing strongholds in our lives. A stronghold does not just appear, but something becomes a stronghold over time. Over time of lying, lying becomes not a mistake but a stronghold, a bad habit. Over time, watching pornography doesn’t become a mistake, but now a stronghold and chain. Now you have opened the door for the enemy to pass through and the kingdom of darkness to have some form of power over you but listen here we have a Jesus who is above everything and in Him, nothing can reign over us because we have a King. Ask God to break every stronghold, break every evil covenant, connection, chain, cruse, and attack the kingdom of darkness is using to visit, harm, destroy, or attack you. When you have these dreams, when you allow them to pass by, your silence is like an agreement. The Bible talks about how man was sleeping and the enemy sowed tears, this can mean how we are asleep in our faith and how he sows wicked seeds that become chains and strongholds of sin but this can also occur in our dreams and thoughts. If what we allow to happen in our mind and entertain them. We shouldn’t let these pass by even regarding our dreams.

The enemy can come through anywhere and can enter our dreams and start creating chains that soon we will find it difficult to break loose from. Suddenly, you can’t stop having those sexual dreams, and your mind feels uncontrollable. Suddenly, you keep lying, and you don’t know why. In the beginning, it was your will and flesh but when you allow yourself to keep allowing something without taking time to pray or even fast to break something, then it can start becoming a stronghold over your life.

You can be free, but none of us realises we need to pray. We can’t just ask God to break something without believing. When you pray that God comes as a consuming fire and consumes everything, every spirit, every chain, every wicked presence. BELIEVE IT AND PRAY WITH Authority. Praying like you’re broken and are losing won’t be effective because even you don’t believe but pray for boldness and keep on praying until you see what once held you bound begin to break loose


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