Know Yourself

I read before about the importance of knowing yourself. Someone commented by saying, “I know myself. I eat because I’m bored not because I’m hungry”

Many of us use food as a comfort. We eat out of depression or watch things to ease their pain.

Other times, we use things and people to replace what God has promised to give us. I’ll often hear people ask me if something is wrong or not.

When we read the Bible, we will understand what’s wrong and what’s not according to God’s will, but there are also times when it takes knowing yourself and your weakness. I eat most times because I’m hungry, for no other reasons but for someone else, it’s a way of comforting themselves. Some people watch romance movies that feed their idolatry of relationships for some they dress a certain way out of insecurity and not out of truly loving the outfit. We should ask ourselves what our motives are behind what we do. Do we do them for self-seeking, self-righteousness prideful reasons or to grow the kingdom of God and give Him glory.

We should check our hearts and check our hearts behind what we do. It’s true when people say God is more concerned about the heart than the outside, but when our heart is transformed in Christ and renewed with the word of God daily. It changes us from the inside out. If we’re motivated by love, we will think more about others than the benefit of ourselves alone. When we are motivated by gentleness and patience, we won’t easily hold unto unforgiveness and hatred, when we are motivated by mercy, we will see those suffering around us and feel the Holy Spirits tug to serve others.

The things that others do can be the things God convicts you of. Not because what they’re doing is evil but because it’s bad for you. Emphasis on *For you*

Some things others do will be the very thing that brings you back to what God delivered you from. We all don’t have the same weaknesses.

Know yourself. We, as women of God, need to know ourselves and our hearts behind what we do. We shouldn’t just do anything but check out the motives behind what we do and compare it with the word of God and avoid places that can potentially tempt us to stray further from God or towards sin.


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