Not The Hard Way

A good parent never wants their child to learn the hard way. If my parents truly wanted me to learn things to hard way instead of guiding me, I wouldn’t t be where I am today.

Out of my own stubbornness, I would ignore the guidance of my parents at times. Thinking they were being too much or didn’t understand. It’s only by the grace of God I haven’t been kidnapped, harmed, lost and destroyed by now. All the times my parents have told me not to touch something, eat something or do something, it was for my own protection. What seemed harsh at the time was the easy way.

To us, when God allows challenges and trials in our lives. We see it as the hard way when it’s the best way. We chose to take the hard way when we are stubborn or ignore God’s warning. God warns us through His word, His people, circumstances, and The Holy Spirit who convicts us not to do something yet we ignore all these methods. When we ignore God’s guidance we choose to do things under our own will. God is a gentleman so He won’t force us to listen to Him but will allow us to go to make our own decisions but we will end up in a messier situation than if we just take heed to His tugs.

If God never wants His kids to go to hell or feel his wrath. He wants all to repent turn away from their sins and be saved (1 Timothy 2:4), all to be united with Him and to spend eternity with Him. He doesn’t want any of us left out. So He made salvation for us. He decided to live the lives we couldn’t and be the sacrifice we need to be with Him. He knew no one could fulfil the law perfectly. He knew we would fail miserably yet he didn’t give up on us.

When God allows trials and challenges in our lives. It’s not to break us! But rather it’s to build us. He allows this so we can learn under His protection. So we can learn and grow with Him alongside us but when we do things our own way, we do things outside of God’s will for our lives. We ignore His convictions, His wisdom and guidance. We make our own paths yet it’s in vain as we don’t know the future and the One who does is the One we have pushed aside.

When good parents tell us not to stop playing with electricity, not to go to certain people, not to trust everyone, not to go places without permission it wasn’t to limit us but protect us because they know more than us and love us. When my parents would give me chores or lists of things to do it felt annoying but it was out of love so I can grow to be a responsible woman one day. The lessons of safety, discernment, wisdom and knowledge through the care and watch of my parents are precious. Ignoring everything they are teaching me would lead to one day when I’m working somewhere where they aren’t, that I will learn these things more painfully. I will learn responsibility the hard way and regret not listening when I had the chance.

Jesus died for us and took our place. He paid the price and went through torture because of His love for us that we won’t perish but have eternal life in Him. God’s will is not for everyone to go to hell but for our repentance. God sent His only begotten son so we can be set free from the heavy chains that brought us low. When God gives us restrictions it’s not to punish us or never let us have fun but it’s for our eternity. God cares about where we are going and He wants us to go the narrow way which is only found in Jesus Christ, for there is no way to the Father except through Him.



John 3:16
For God So Loved the World
16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Matthew 7:14
14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

John 14:6
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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