“Wisdom is more precious than rubies ; nothing you desire can compare with her.”
Solomon was arguably the richest and wisest King to have ever lived. To the people at that time, silver was like stone. They were loaded; that’s for sure. But Solomon had something else that was also valuable like all the jewels they had.
He had wisdom.
And he used it to build a magnificent empire. I’m rambling but understand the kind of man he is. Yet he emphasizes so much on how important wisdom is. There has to be a reason why he does so.
This verse puts wisdom on a higher place of value than rubies. And again to get you into perspective, I did some research on just how expensive rubies are. From my result I saw from a website that a ‘stunning 10.6 carat Pigeon Blood Ruby from Mozambique’ was $850,000. That’s a lot of money for something so small.
Yet Wisdom is more valuable than it. You see how important it is to have wisdom? This is why you need a constant stream of God’s Word refreshing you, as much as possible. To fill you with God’s kind of wisdom. Thankfully, in this day and age, there are so many ways to access the Word!!
You can listen to Christian music (if you need any recommendations, be sure to check out the Flourish Ministries Music Book ;).
You can read some Christian books; fiction which you can find on our Reading Lists and non-fiction written by Pastors and Christian Icons all over the World that breaks down the Word with different perspectives. Hit me up if you need any recommendations 🙂
You can watch Christian movies.
You can listen to Christian podcasts, watch legitimate Christian YouTube Channels and Christian TV stations.
There’s so much out there for you to discover and gain more and more wisdom from. By the Grace of God, you’ll come across the right ones and be able to discern between the Scripturally consistent ones and the almost-right-but-still-wrong things out there.
So go out there. Gain Wisdom.
Galatians 4:8-10