Psalm 33:4

“For the word of God is right. And all his works are done in truth.”

~Psalm 33:4

God’s word is complete truth. Since it is against his nature to lie, (as it is declared in the Bible) it is pretty natural to suppose that his words, which are in written form, are fully and completely truthful.

The Bible was given to us for a reason. God had his people write down his words for a reason. So that our forgetful minds might remember the truths that we can study and live by. We find it so easy to fall into forgetful patterns. We forget groceries at the store even when we wrote them on our list. We forget to do that one homework assignment that had a due date attached to it. We forget to do that one important task and don’t remember until it is too late. You see, we are a very forgetful race.

God knows this. He knows it now and he knew it back in those ancient times. That’s why he saved the most important truths, encouragements, lessons, and stories. So that we can look back and remember why we first became believers in the first place. So that we can look back and remember just how mighty and powerful he really is.

God is good and perfect in all things and the truths of the Bible make that clear. We should always praise him and thank him for being just who he is!

Lily (@lilyflower1603)

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