Psalm 9:10

“And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

~Psalm 9:10 (ESV)


God will not turn away from those who seek him. Is that not wonderful proof of our great, great, God? Despite our sinful, stained natures, He will not let us go or cast us away. He gives us a great deal more than we deserve, that’s for sure. After all, we are constantly turning away from Him and lusting after the desires of our own hearts.

Who are we that God cares for us? Why did he create us if he knew Adam and Eve were going to disobey him and drag the entire world down into sinful bondage with them? Why doesn’t He just toss us aside whenever we transgress against Him? Why? Why? Why? We all have questions where the answers remain a mystery and are only known to God.

But what we do know is that He is loving, merciful, and forgiving and He blesses us with so many things that we take for granted. We are but the size of an ant compared to Him and yet He regards us as His adopted children and has given us the chance of having an intimate relationship with Him.

But here’s the sad part. Most of us take our relationship with Him for granted. We don’t regard God as our close and intimate Heavenly Father. He just someone we go to worship every Sunday morning in a church service. The rest of the week, we don’t even give Him a second thought let alone take time out of our day to spend time Him and in His Word.

I exhort you today to strengthen your relationship with God! He’s not just someone who just sits on the sidelines and lets his children do whatever they want. He is a real person who desires to have an intimate relationship with his children. You are His daughter! Reach out to Him! He wants to hold you close and hear every word you say! He will not shove you away and tell you to leave Him alone. In fact, it is quite the opposite. With every tear that trickles down your cheek, He will hold you closer. With every negative thought, He will lift you up! He feels and knows what you are going through, girl! Quit hanging on to things that are beyond your power and trust God in everything!

~Lily (lilyflower1603)

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