Some Bitter Truth

Everyone had been hurt before. No one and I mean no one is a stranger to pain no matter how little you might think of it. We’re all human after all. People tend to do things that aren’t good sometimes,they betray us, break our trust and what not. Even we find ourselves doing that to other people. But have you tried looking beneath the surface?

The world isn’t completely black and white when you look at it. Every human being on earth no matter how terrible he or she might be has at least once had an iota of good in them. The concept of learning not to judge people and knowing who to help and who to stay away from is actually a really difficult one. Especially for those of us with a “save all” syndrome.

Look at Jesus for example. In some places he was received warmly and was able to convert many people. This happened to the disciples too. Some of the people they converted became their good friends and cheered them on. While some others despised them and wanted them dead. They tried saving everyone but could only save some.

Unfortunately, such is life. You should try to see the good in others, try to help them and try to encourage them but you should also keep in mind that not everyone will be helped by you. Some times you just need to pray for people and God will intervene. Try your best to understand people and talk to them in the right way but don’t let it hurt you when they don’t come around.

It’s not easy to accept but it’s the truth. I teared up writing this. Some times you feel like such a failure when you don’t see yourself making an impact on some particular people. You’re going to wonder if you’re doing it right, listening to God properly and doubting your relationship with Him. I’m here to tell you that It’ll be ok and your efforts aren’t in vain. When you’ve done your best then leave everything else to God. He’ll find a way to come through. He always does.

The bible says;

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

1 Peter 5:7 NLT

You might not be the one that could get them to give their life to Christ and to make that life changing decision but you could be the one to lay the foundation, to plant the seed. Another day, God could send someone else to water the plant and it’ll grow. Some people need a really big push to actually get their lives on track.

So don’t be discouraged and don’t lose faith please. God loves you and he knows how hard you try every day to be a good person. Don’t let the devil tell you anything different.


The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.

Isaiah 9:2 NLT

~ Anne☺
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