Lord, I admit this world can feel enticing but I know I shouldn’t conform to the patterns of this world like in Romans 12:2 says. Help me to stand out. I can’t let people be confused when I say I’m Christian, I can’t afford that. Lord, I want people to see you in me. Lord, help me to to compromise and fall into his trap of starting to go back where you delivered me from. Help me to continue to resist the devil and continue to walking in Your narrow way. Let me continue to way according to Your word and not as the world walks. Help me to walk in a way that’s pleasing to you above what the world desires for me to walk. Help me to desire and focus on spritiual things than being distracted by the material. Help me to remain on fire for You, desiring more of you each and everyday.
Allow my passion for you to increase so my desire for this world decreases. Allow my thirst for Your word, prayer and church exceed any other desire. Like Jesus, may Your will be my food. Let your will be what satisfies me. Let pleasing you be my biggest joy. May honouring you be what I seek daily. Let me make a conscience decision each day to choose to be more like You. To choose to be different from the world. To choose not to conform. To stick to the word of God above anything else that may become popular. Help me not to follow the crowd above following You, my shepherd. Be the sherperd of my life and let everything else that is seating in that position of authority and direction be taken away. Let your word be my guide, let your Spirit be my direction and let your will be my desire.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.