“Whoever trusts in His riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.”
~Proverbs 11:28 (ESV)
I love this verse! The way it depicts the righteous man as a flourishing new leaf at the beginning of spring is just rich with symbolism. It shows how we as believers in Christ have been born again into a brand new life.
Just as the budding of a green leaf matures to help nurture a new plant, so does God with us when He adopts us into His family.
We start out as just baby Christians. A tiny little bud that still must grow and be strengthened by the water, air, and soil of God’s word. When we continue to seek after our Gardener, He prunes us and molds us as into whom we are as followers of Christ.
As we grow in our walk of faith, we are called to share the reason for our faith and hope. Through our growing maturity, we are able to become a vessel for God’s use. We help other new believers digest the food of God’s word and travel down the path to salvation.
Those who accept the good news of God’s word will flourish like a budding leaf, but those who trust in the materialistic things of the world will find themselves drying up and withering into a lonely pile of emptiness.
Choose to become like a new leaf and flourish in your relationship with your Gardener. Don’t let yourself wither into someone who lives without hope of a new life in Christ.