God Doesn’t Mock Our Prayers So Cling To Scripture
One thing I know about God that I cling to whenever I feel tired or want to give up is that God never mocks the prayers of His daughters. God never sees your faith in Him, your boldness to trust and believe He speaks to you as a joke. God never ignores someone who searches for Him in a generation where people reject Him. It doesn’t fit with the God I read about in my Bible.
It doesn’t fit with what scripture says about God drawing near to us when we draw near to Him (James 4:8). It doesn’t fit with when Jesus says when we abide in Him, He abides in us (John 15:4). It doesn’t fit where He says His close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). It does fit where God says we’ll find Him when we search Him with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13).
All these verses are false if God is ignoring us. I choose to believe in scripture. I choose to believe in the solid truth of what God has said about Himself, no matter how foolish I may appear in the process. I choose to trust what God said and declare it is written.
I recently even read that guidance is promised by God. God promises to instruct us in the way we should go (Psalm 32:8). All these are promises that God has to fulfill or else His reputation of being a Man of His word won’t be honoured but we can take heart, that we serve a God who never lies and who does as He said. When we walk according to God’s will (obedience to His word and voice), God will fulfill His promises over our lives.
He doesn’t ignore us when we call. He doesn’t reproach us when we seek wisdom (James 1:5). He draws so near to us in times of trouble. He never leaves us in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23).
The God of Revelation, the God of Guidance, and the God of Peace when times are filled with panic. The God of Hope and the God who keeps us going. This is the God we serve and the God I choose to serve, honour, praise, and respect, but at the end of the day, God will do exactly what He has revealed He shall do.
Everything happening in your life, God sees, and He won’t walk away or back away. No, He will stay with you, He will guide you, and HE WILL FULFILL HIS WILL IN YOUR LIFE. The promises God gives you have to come to pass because it is written that God’s word never returns to Him void but accomplishes everything it was sent for (Isaiah 55:11). This is a promise, and it is also written that His, not a man He shall lie or a son of a man that He shall repent “(Numbers 23:19). It is written that when we ask, we SHALL RECEIVE (Matthew 7:7). it is written that God will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). It is written that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
That’s how I keep going. It’s the word of the Lord that is our strength. God always listens to us, and He will always do His word. God might not always fulfill our every wish, but He will always fulfill His word and whatever aligns with His will. God is a God of His word, and He won’t ever let His word be trampled, mocked, and insulted in your life where you can’t testify of His faithfulness. God won’t ignore the opportunity to use your testimonies to bring souls closer to Him. He cannot deny Himself.
So, together with you, we are going to choose to cling to scripture. ❤️
2 Timothy 2:13
13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—
for he cannot deny himself.