God doesn’t give us 1 thing we desire, and we question His goodness altogether.
If God hasn’t given us one specific prayer request, then we discredit all of His previous good works, and we question His goodness and character altogether
We question His faithfulness
We question His power to provide
We question if His truly near and listening
But let me encourage you today to reflect on all the things God has done for you previously. He has given you breath, He has provided food, given you joy, comfort, peace, rest, He has given you friends and family, a good church community and the privilege to even be able to seek and serve Him without restrictions.
When God doesn’t answer our prayer requests and a desire in our hearts. We begin to question God and distance ourselves from Him but I want you to be able to look above this situation and reflect on His character, His goodness, His great deeds the revelations He gave you, those moments you’ve encountered His love, those times you cried yet were comforted that felt forever but you went also to a season of joy.
Comment below and share some moments where God had done miracles and answered your prayers. Comment below the times you also felt like God was doing nothing, and He was working.
I’ll share a quick one. The moment I felt He wasn’t listening to my prayers for help to be able to stand on stage and pray for people but at the last minute, at the day I needed to do it He came and empowered me. It was a precious moment I’ll never forget and a moment I learned about God’s faithfulness and His exaltation, that when we humble ourselves and surrender we are filled with His spirit to do things we could never do on our own.