For this week’s challenge, I want you to pray before making major decisions. Before you have that important phone call, pray. Before you go to that court case, fast and pray. Before you confront that coworker, pray. Before you sign that contract or agreement. Pray.
In the book of Esther, something that touched me is how she fasted and prayed before she met the King. She sought God’s help. She knew by herself it could fail miserably. (Esther 4)
She sought God. She fasted and stayed away from distractions to keep her focus on God. Before you share that song, you’ve written, pray over it and seek God’s favour, grace and direction. Before you publish that book and share it with the world, take time to pray, and seek God. Something my pastor says is that we shouldn’t only seek God as Omega and ignore Him as Alpha. Meaning that once we have made decisions that’s when we begin praying and seeking God. We often seek God only when things go wrong. When that business deal seems off, when the song isn’t going as smoothly or that book isn’t reaching others as you hoped. That’s when we pray and seek God, but we forget so often to seek God as Alpha, the beginning. His in your start, His in your middle and His there till the end. You place God as a priority. God’s approval is what you seek understanding for His ways and thoughts are higher (Isaiah 55:8-9).
You begin searching for God’s peace and not just your own feelings. You consult God for help and not just rely on your own strength. You pray God uses you and not just begin and later ask Him. You rely on God’s wisdom, not your limited one
I challenge us to start SEEKING God as the Alpha and Omega of our lives.