Keep reading the word every day, keep praying, keep serving, keep worshipping, keep sacrificing, keep staying away from some people, keep doing it. Each day remember those souls. A woman of God once said she was jealous of her calling, she never wanted God to replace her with a woman who did what she wasn’t consistent to do or was scared to do.
How can we go to heaven, in paradise knowing that there are people in hell because we just didn’t feel like reading the word? What keeps me consistent is remembering it’s all for God’s people. Your calling, your gifts, and your time are for those people who are on their way to darkness but the moment they meet the God in you, you won’t be the only one in paradise but the whole team you brought along with you. How precious a soul is to God. It’s the thing that is stopping God from fully showing His wrath and Christ returning. He’s patiently waiting for because He wants as many kids as He can get.
So make that decision today to grow closer to God. If you were feeling discouraged and tired in your walk remember there are lives connected to your walk. Some people will meet Christ through you.
The question is, at that moment would you be able to represent Him well? Would you know Him well enough to communicate genuinely?