Burn out is one of the worst feelings. It occurs when you lack the motivation to go on or lose interest in the things you love the most. You just want to give up even though you know you have to keep going. Even though you don’t wanna quit, you just stop because you lack energy.
And you might be wandering what’s the number one cause of burn out… It’s stress.
When you keep working yourself up and worrying about things which God can and will take control of you stress yourself up. You’re up at night listening to sad music and wondering why your sleep schedule is so messed up.
I struggled with this too actually. 2021 has been… Rough. My prayer life has been fluctuating because when things go off track instead of talking to God about it I would rather worry about it instead. And even when I would eventually invite God into the situation, I would always Take things too far by over working myself instead of resting when I should.
Doing things like this actually upsets God to be blunt. He really spoke to me through Hebrews 4. These two verses say;
Hebrews 4:10-11
10 For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labours, just as God did after creating the world.
11 So let us do our best to enter that rest. But if we disobey God, as the people of Israel did, we will fall.
It’s like someone gives you some water to drink and you tell them you don’t need it even though you’re really thirsty. Then you walk through the blazing hot sun to get to a supermarket only to get exhausted when you’re half way there.
God has promised to give you rest. The solution to burn out is rest! You need to remember in everything you do that God is in control and he’s not going to get you so far only to let you fail in the end. But it’s not just about resting. You need to sustain your relationship and confidence in God by praying as well. He is the source of our strength after all.
So don’t give up when you’re tired. Don’t quit. Instead, take a break, pray and trust God completely. Then go back and put in your all so that You can glorify God through your work.
Don’t forget the bible says “come all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)
~ Anne☺