Every day for 1 week, I challenge you to hold every thought captive that comes to your mind that isn’t of God.
If it’s envy, hold it captive. If it’s pride, hold it captive. If it’s lust, hold it captive!
When a thought or feeling comes into mind that’s filled with sin, resist it and rebuke it. Declare the word of God and say “I resist this thought and hold it captive in obedience to Christ”
Now realize that the enemy will fight you even harder in response. He’ll get really mad but this shouldn’t intimidate you but instead should encourage you that you’re in the right path. Whether it’s 30 times an hour or 5 times a day, whenever a thought, imagination or even feeling that isn’t of God comes, know it’s the enemy seeking to tempt you to sin and resist it. Resist the voice of insecurity seeking to cause you to stay in self-condemnation and rise up woman of God!
The chains are broken!