One day, I spoke to my cousin about how much I desire just one dream where the Lord encounters me like Solomon. I wanted God to ask me what I desired, and my reply would be for great faith. I wanted to be a woman who can walk on water, who can boldly tell things to move in authority in the name above every name. I wanted to be someone who never doubts and who always just believes. An unstoppable woman because of her Unstoppable God.
But my cousin told me something that shocked me. He said why I can’t ask God for Great Faith and believe I’ve received it and His doing a work in me to grow my faith.
The problem was the but. I said I trusted God, but then I gave an excuse based on human reasoning. The truth is, God, can still very much do Great miracles and one’s that could shock the world even today but we limit him to just a little healing and small miracles when he is limitless but the main issue is our thinking which affects our faith.
My cousin told me that I don’t need an encounter like that. I can just ASK God, and God himself will help me build my faith. He helps me by using his word and the people he has planted in my life to strengthen and help build my faith.
What I was doing was having fear. I doubted that I could do all those things because it felt impossible. Why would God pick me? Despite my desire to do great things for God, I often doubt if I can do them. I wonder if I’m the right person and look at my countless mistakes and sigh, but God would remind me to never limit him. God can even by one to He can make a blind see. He can do the supernatural in our generation and by His grace even the one’s after. You can have a vision of someone’s life and begin walking towards that person and declaring truth over their lives, and that person will start crying because they are being touched by God.
If we would have the Hunger for the supernatural. We will see it. If we desire to be able to do the extraordinary. God will use us. God wants to do this. He desires to see lives changed for people not just to think the God of the Bible remains in the Bible but His Alive and working every day, with each breath that’s a miracle on its own and the world can recognise the one who Gives life.
God, what’s to use you. He wants to use you in ways you could never imagine, but are you going to doubt, or are you going to stop and say, “Here I am?” Use me, Lord. “