Genesis 2:2
“And on the seventh day God ended His work which He has done; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.”
God, the almighty creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in between, rested. HE RESTED!!!
There are a few things we can note from God’s actions here at the beginning:
1. God did work: God didn’t just lounge around on a diamond throne all day. He did work. This should tell us that we’re not called to be aimless lazy people because we’re people of God. God worked and so should we. He had things to do and so do we.
2. God ended His work: Now it’s one thing to start but it’s another thing entirely to wrap up what you started. You know the you’ve come this far to just come this far? Yeah, that. It’s important that to every start, there is an end for the work you have and you need to have that in your mind that one day, I will reach the finish line so you don’t just work aimlessly and miss your target.
3. God rested: I doubt God got a gigantic blanket of clouds and went to bed but the important thing is that He rested. He could have just been staring at all that He had made but He rested. On an every age (assuming we’re all teenagers to adults), teenagers are meant to get about 8-10 hours of sleep and adults are meant to get about 7-9 hours of sleep. Now this obviously doesn’t apply to everybody’s body and different people sleep different times but. You. Still. Have. To. Rest. Prioritise your body and health and give it the recharge it needs for you to work effectively and efficiently, so at the end of the day, you can look at all you have accomplished and say…
It is good…