” For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ “ NKJV
It’s hard being a girl today. Everywhere, everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should be and do. It’s the ‘TV says bigger is better but Vogue says thinner is better’ kind of dilemma. Eat this, go on a diet. Wear this, that’s no more trendy. In different places, they’re different expectations and they’re all so overwhelming.
But the truth is, you’ll never be right to someone who already sees you as wrong. Take this verse for an example; John the Baptist didn’t spend his time eating and drinking and people had something to say. Jesus ate and drank, yet they still had something to say.
Because there’s always something to be said.
Focusing on the thoughts of others hinders you from doing God’s will because of the worry of how you’ll be perceived. But despite what people said about John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, they went about doing that which they were doing.
They didn’t let the opinions of other people stop them from doing what they were meant to do. And neither should we. Every time you worry about doing something that you should do because of what people would think of you, think about them and say, ‘if Jesus wasn’t moved, neither will I.’
Dear Father, thank you for the wisdom readily available in your words. I pray that in the midst of anxieties and worries about what others will think of me, I will remember that the opinion that truly matters is Yours. I pray that I will remember how Jesus wasn’t fazed by the opinion of the crowd and went about doing Your business and that I will do the same. In Jesus Name, Amen.