Asking God to shape you and mold you into the woman he has created you to be isn’t an easy route but rather a step of faith. To go to the desired character you are seeking (to be more like Jesus) will require a route that you will soon begin to realise is painful. The walk to sanctification is one God will complete. Each pruning season is tough, you’re faced with your insecurities your faith starts becoming real to you, you’re persecuted, you’re in situations where 6ou have to walk by faith and not sight, moments where you’re faced with lions dens and fiery furnaces. Where Pharisees judge your every move, and the world judges your every step. Where God feels close and where God can feel so distant, you wonder if the stars are closed.
But it’s in that painful time that you’ll experience God in ways you have never before. My pruning season felt horrible, the desire for a humble and has a pure heart, little did I know it could feel like death sentence but God is faithful and when you feel crushed and under pressure its sign you’re on the right way because when Gold goes through its purifying stage. It comes out brighter than it started
Your trust in God is unshakable
You have newfound gratitude and humility
Your wisdom has increased
Your heart has been touched
The lessons you’ve learned remain in your heart
And at the end of it all. There is a crown of life waiting for us. Where every tear shred is forgotten. Every heartbreak is replaced with eternal joy. Where trials and tribulations become a long-forgotten memory, and we get to stand in front of our King who will welcome us and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant