We can say, ” I believe God is good and has everything under control.”
And convince we believe that, but our actions will always reveal what we truly believe. We can say we trust God is loving and a good Father, but our actions and thoughts reveal that we can believe he isn’t one to be trusted.
When you give into those lies, it means you doubted, and when we doubt it means we stopped believing one thing and started trusting another. When we doubt and believe maybe our lives will be messed up, maybe things won’t work out, maybe something bad will happen from this it means we stopped believing everything will work out for our good and His purpose (Romans 8:28), that God doesn’t have full control over our lives and He makes mistakes or He misses some things, that maybe God isn’t that faithful.
This is the same way the enemy tricked eve. He made her doubt whether God was truly good. The snake was indirectly saying God is a liar and he can’t be trusted. Eve stopped believing God was protecting them, and now God was keeping something good from them. She started believing God wasn’t one to be trusted. She believed the enemy and doubted God, and that led to her deceiving herself. All the enemy had to do was plant a few thoughts and ask a couple of questions, and that’s all it took for the fall of man to happen.
Let’s pray that we don’t just read and hear about who God is, His character and attributes but let’s go before God in prayer today and ask Him to write it in our hearts and plant it in our souls that who He is and who He always been is a character that won’t change. He remains King, He remains Holy and Good forevermore.