God, help me to boldly spread and share the gospel with people. Not just people I want to but all. All races, all genders, all rich, all poor, and help me to do this with humility and love. You called us to spread Your Gospel to all creatures in Mark 16:15.
Allow a fire for your gospel to come upon me. A mighty desire to see souls saved and to see people’s lives transformed. Remove every spirit of fear of man in me but help me to fear You above all. Strengthen me to be obedient to preach Your gospel whenever You want me to. Allow my mouth to be a flame of fire as I’ll speak your word to other people. Let every word I’ll say to burn in the hearts of Your people and impact their lives. Let the gospel be a flame upon their hearts. Help me to be able to use my gifts and talents as tools You’ll use to share the good news. Allow me to not be ashamed of the gospel but be bold. Give me the boldness to stand and not be afraid to speak about salvation. Let me approach others and speak Your truth with reverence and desire.
In Jesus name. Amen.