My father always says the enemy of good is often good. Sometimes, the enemy will purposely put something in your life that appears good on the surface, but it’s not good for you. It’s not meant for you or what God purposed for you. It’s a distraction and hindrance to what God wants you to do and who he wants you to be. That’s why discernment is so important. Not all open doors are of God, and not everything good is the right thing.
Someone once said that a big tool the enemy uses is to make us do the ‘good’ thing but not the right thing. There is a difference between doing the good thing and doing the right thing. The enemy can make anything appear good, and it might be good too. It might be harmless and easy and might appear to be biblical, but it’s not to make you God’s will but rather distract you with something good so you don’t do what’s right.
An example of this, you might have a new job opportunity outside the country which pays more and has a good goal but it could distract you from seeing that God wants you to stay where you are to learn patience so He can rather elavate you where you are so you can impact people where you’re.
Maybe that other job opportunity sounds good, but overall, it’s more busy. To a point where you can barely spend time with God and your family.
This is why discernement is so important. To have the Spirit of discernment is to be able to distinguish between what is right and almost right. What sounds great, but it’s not meant for you. What seems good but is not a part of God’s will for you.
How do we have discernment
1) Know God’s word
This is key. We need to know the word to be able to see when something is against it. If we don’t know God’s word, how would we be able to tell when we’re doing something outside of His will and way?
2) Have a relationship with God
If you don’t know God’s voice or have a personal relationship with Him, then you’ll find it much tougher to be able to discern what God’s saying about your life. You’ll be easily misleaded by your flesh or even traps from the enemy. When you grow in a relationship with God, you’ll find it easier to know when He is saying yes, no, or wait.
This is a journey, though. Not overnight. When you ask God for discernment, it’s not easy, trust me. It takes a long time to move in faith, make mistakes, and get up again. My pastor told me that it takes time to settle in and to be confident in knowing God’s voice and discerning, but eventually, you’ll get there. It’s a journey, and as you mature in your relationship with God, you’ll grow to be able to know when your Sheperd is speaking and when His not.
3) Pray!
It’s not enough to just read the word if you don’t include prayer. Prayer and reading the word go hand in hand. You need to ask God for the gift of discernment and for wisdom. It won’t just fly from the sky and jump in your head and BOOM! You’ll have to pray and ask God for His wisdom. Humble yourself, tell God that you need His understanding and not yours, and He’ll answer you!
I want us to be women who know their sherperd voice. Who doesn’t just do the good thing but the right thing. Women who seek to do their fathers will be above-mentioned their own. Women of discernment!
James 1:5
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 19:21
21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.