Being in a season of waiting on God. I can confirm it’s uncomfortable, you get tempted to distrust God or even to do your own thing, but one thing I learned is that in these seasons, God begins to establish you to become unshakeable To become someone not easily tossed around. Your faith stops being about feeling like he’s close and believing, but even when you feel he might be distant, you refuse to believe his not. Seasons of waiting and testing are very uncomfortable, but that’s why I love this season! I know that even when it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t have to. God has revealed far too much in his word for us to continue to doubt him when he says he won’t leave us or forsake us. I love how he transforms us to stop relying on feelings and our timing to trust him but now he allows us to be in such seasons to remember that his GOOD always, whether we feel he is or not, whether it looks like is not to us.
This season will pass, but the lessons will remain. That’s God is a God who makes beauty from ashes. As he establishes our faith and makes us unshakeable. It means he grows our faith to not be easy as doubting, that can remain standing in lion’s den moments. We all pray for God to build our faith, but when the process to become who he calls us to be looks completely different than what we picture it to be. May we remember that God is creating a work in us that he will complete one that we’re will receive a crown of life that’s far more precious than anything on this earth.