Lord, today I ask You to guide me with the people in my life. God, the people in my life influence me. Good and bad. I want You to remove anyone who isn’t adding anything to my life and those who are not from You. Remove any relationship that You never intended me to have.
Direct my paths in all my relationships. Bring people into my life that will help me grow to who You have called me to be. Remove those who are a stumbling block to my faith and a hindrance to my spiritual growth.
Let the company that I’m surrounded by be a company that glories You. Every company that’s in my life that is negatively affecting my character and my relationship with You, may You give me the grace to cast and break those relationships. Help me to separate from those who cause me to sin. Help me to separate from those who cause me to backslide and compromise. Help me to separate from those who are corrupting and pushing me further from You.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture Reference:
1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”