“I have stored your words in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
                      ~Proverbs 119:11
The Bible is a very powerful tool to have on our daily walk with God. It is His written Word to us. It is the bread that sustains us when we hunger and it is the water that satisfies us when we thirst. It helps us strengthen our relationship with God and by reading His words, we develop a better understanding of who He is.
It is so important to our well-being that we feed ourselves daily from the Word of God. We must nourish our souls in the same manner we nourish our bodies. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God and soaking up the juicy meat that lies underneath the surface, we learn to focus more on what God says and less on what the world says. The more we fix on God’s desires, the less we focus on the selfish desires of our flesh.
Sin cannot have a foothold over us if we are not allowing our minds to stray to it. Yes, we may foul up at times and catch ourselves slipping in the mud, but one thing will always remain sure. When we truthfully and honestly fall on our knees and repent before God, He will forgive us. He won’t turn His back on us because we’ve messed up yet again. He will pick us up and dust us off, saying, “What sin? You are a new creature in Me and I will not hold your sin against you. You are forgiven, my child.”
Lily (lilyflower1603)