” You’re a woman of faith pull yourself togetha! “
There will be times that you’ll be at your lowest. You might feel, worthless, hopeless crippled with anxiety or just plain empty. But let me tell you this… You aren’t weak. It doesn’t matter how little or big the issues in your life are. You have the right to be hurt and sad sometimes. But what’s really important is that you get back up.
Joshua 1:9 – This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Throughout the painful moments God will never leave your side. He will never reject you and will not take you a long distance only to lead you to destruction. The enemy will create a mirage of doubt making it hard and tiring to seek him. But talking to God is always easy, you just need to tap into the strength he has given you.
You need to keep believing. If you’re on a journey keep going and if you’ve made a mistake don’t stop there. There’s a saying that goes “stronger is the one who fell and got up than the one who never fell” We make mistakes and that’s ok. It’s better to mess things up and learn than to avoid everything and not learn anything at all. Its not going to be easy to keep moving and you’ll want to give up but please don’t. Let God be the source of your Peace and self confidence.
Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. People can be terrible saying things or doing things that know they themselves can’t take. They won’t always care about your feelings and sometimes you feel like giving up on everything all together.
But when you do feel like this, remember Jesus. When he was on the crowds being mocked by the many unbelievers he could have given up. He could have screamed that he had had enough and couldn’t take it anymore. He could have quit and stopped right there. But he didn’t because he loved us so much. He gave his life to save us even though many might never repent or take the gospel seriously.
The bottom line is; you have a mission. You’ll have bad times yes, but don’t let what goes on around you dictate what goes on inside you. Be focused on Christ, pull yourself together and realise that anyone who doesn’t see your worth and value is to be ignored. The one who created everything on this earth took his time to carefully create you and give you a purpose. Let that he your reason to keep moving.
Lastly; Philippians 3:13-14
No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
No matter what happens, find the courage to say “oh geez, pull yourself together and keep moving
Glad to be back;
*Anne ☺*