2 Corinthians 4:16-17
Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
A lot of us get stuck with this idea of perfection. We have a mindset that thinks that because we are Christian, we are perfect, but we aren’t. The point of our faith is that we are not perfect, that’s why we desperately need a savior. Someone who lived the perfect life we can’t. Someone who was able to be the lamb, the sacrifice, someone who could take out place. We need Jesus, and not just we think we should but every day.
We won’t be perfect, but we will progress. God is doing a work in us that He will complete (Philippians 1:6). He is shaping and molding us into the women and men He has called us to be, but it’s a journey. It’s about progress, not perfection.
The more we grow in Christ. The more we surrender our will and our way and deny ourselves. The more we become like Christ. The more our light starts brightening, the more our salt becomes plentiful because when we abide in God, we bear fruit and the fruit we start bearing is not just a witness that we are saved but that we are Holy (set apart, different, distinct) from this world. We see things differently, we dress differently, we speak differently, and we behave differently. Each action we take minsters to others that we are changing. Each new day, a part of our flesh is dying, and our Spirit is growing. When we read the Word, pray, and fast, we are growing our Spirit to be more mature, discerning, and strengthened.
We sometimes don’t realise it, but we need Jesus every day. When we stumble and we will stumble, we will sin, we will continue to fall short of God’s perfect standard and glory but when we take notice of that, we shouldn’t assume we have only fallen short then.
We fall short every day (Romans 3:23). Each day, we sin intentionally and unintentionally. Even on the days, we think we were somewhat good if God had to show us the scope of that day and measure it to His standard. We would then realise how sinful we are and how precise the scarce Jesus did for us.
Even our deeds can be dirty rags unto God, even the good things we do can come from self-righteousness and pride.
We shouldn’t allow the voice of the enemy to flood our minds with condemnation and lies but rather to recognise when we wake up in the morning to see that we need Jesus. We need Jesus every day. We need His correction. His care. His conviction. His direction. His protection. His deliverance. His comfort. His love. His grace. His mercy. His goodness. His patience.
Each and every day.
So to the one who is feeling like she is failing. Maybe you have fallen, maybe you’ve made a mistake. If you are dealing with sin, repent (turn away) and come back to God. God knew you would fall. That’s why He sent his son. When we repent and confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9).
You’re all growing. Each day, God is doing work in you. Each day something about you is dying (pride, insecurity, envy, lust) and something new is growing (patience, love, gentleness, self-control and purity) and it isn’t a destination of perfection each day but progress by the power of God, He brings us to live righteousness alone and he brings us to repentance.
As we will fall. We should get out of the mindset that we need Jesus sometimes. We never deserved anything! That’s His grace. His grace is given when we don’t deserve it. He loves it because He is love. He cares because He is merciful. He forgives because He is forgiving. We have nothing to do with earning his love or being deserving to be His children. He picked us out of His love, and He will continue to work in us out of His love.
The temptation, trials, and tribulations we face today are nothing compared to the glory waiting for us. It’s nothing compared to eternal peace and joy.
The trials and tests we face are temporary, but we have eternity that is far more precious than anything we might face to say.